We are a community for all looking to break into tech and consider it as an alternative career. We are open to all: including bootcampers, individuals with a second degree, self-taught professionals, UI/UX designers, or others interested in tech jobs as an alternative career path.

Together, we level up through events, career advice, resources, and mentorship.

Join our community: ***https://discord.gg/96rkQyC5rX***

Website: *https://techcareerchange.vercel.app/*

Career Change Programs

A curated list of career change programs. We are slowly supporting more programs as we get more information and details.

Computer Science Second Degree/Diploma Programs

Early Career Student Programs

A curated list of early career student programs targeted towards students that are in the 1st/2nd year of their Bachelor's degree. As a second-degree student, you are also eligible for these programs.

First/Second-Year Student Intern/Fellowships


A curated list of boot camps targeted towards individuals that are considering taking a boot camp/diploma route. Bootcamps usually support full-time or part-time and are offered as remote or in-person.

Bootcamp Comparison Table

Self-Learning Resources [TBA]

Professional Growth

Resume Guide + Resources

🌐 Tech Internships: Methodology to Intern Job Hunt